TV Series Survival of the Thickest: A Comedy-Drama Series on Netflix JJ BigScreen, October 19, 2023 Survival of the Thickest is a captivating new comedy-drama series that explores the journey of Mavis Beaumont, a passionate stylist who embarks on a quest to rebuild her life after a devastating breakup. With an engaging storyline and a talented cast, this Netflix series offers a fresh take on love, happiness, and self-discovery. The series revolves around Mavis Beaumont, played by the talented Michelle Buteau. Buteau delivers a remarkable performance as Mavis, bringing her unique style and charm to the character. Viewers will be captivated by Mavis' journey as she navigates the ups and downs of life, finding happiness and love on her own terms. An Impressive Cast Besides Michelle Buteau, Survival of the Thickest features an ensemble cast of talented actors who bring their characters to life. Tasha Smith portrays the role of Marley, a close friend and confidant of Mavis. Smith's previous work includes roles in popular movies… Continue Reading