TV Series The Pier: A Gripping Drama Set in the Yom Kippur War JJ BigScreen, November 5, 2023 Are you ready for an intense and heart-wrenching drama set against the backdrop of war? Look no further than The Pier, also known as Stronghold. This upcoming mini-series takes viewers into the depths of the Yom Kippur War, where 42 soldiers find themselves in a dire situation at an isolated outpost on the banks of the Suez Canal. The series centers around a young lieutenant named Shlomo Erdinast, portrayed by Daniel Gad, who leads the soldiers in defending the outpost against relentless Egyptian attacks. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, the IDF bunker in Tel Aviv is filled with injured soldiers, and it is up to Dr. Nahum Werbin, played by Michael Aloni, to fight for their lives and call for urgent evacuation. However, as the days pass, it becomes evident that rescue attempts are failing and the soldiers must prepare for a fateful battle. A Stellar Cast The Pier boasts… Continue Reading